To be fair, this house was in the process of being renovated. Most houses around it looked livable. However, a family lived in this house. What attracted me to this house was the decay, the sense of history and what it might have been at one time.
October 2, 2001 at 4:03 pm | Asia, China | 1 comment
The sense of anonymity in this factory is what struck me. The #6 on the chair personified this.
For me, here was a splash of red that added a dynamic energy that didn’t exist in this predictable scene.
In all, there was a sense of order, which was seen here.
October 1, 2001 at 4:16 pm | Asia, China | 1 comment
Try to imagine turtles as wide as your arm span. This is what you are looking at. Magic to see them.
July 9, 1997 at 4:51 pm | Carribean, Cayman Islands | No comment
Paradoxically, as these men posed for me, I found it interesting that they were from England. They seemed to have bought completely into the biker culture with Harleys to prove it. At least they like America.
July 9, 1997 at 4:48 pm | Carribean, Cayman Islands | 1 comment
Traveling for a month in Anhui Province, the Chinese photojournalists guides led us to an ancient part of this village. Here we found this woman, living traditionally in a way experienced for centuries.
It was truly a cultural experience to see this woman contentedly washing her clothes in a puddle left by the sea.
May 17, 1993 at 4:36 pm | Asia, China | No comment
This picture was taken in Guangzhou in the Guangdong Province.
Once again, this is an example of more than a century of change with the woman whose feet were obviously bound and the young modern woman in western clothes behind her. Still having bound feet is seen as an embarrassment, where at one time it was seen as a sign of status.
March 31, 1993 at 3:30 pm | Asia, China | 2 comments
This somewhat surreal landscape was once on the ocean floor.
Now it is a fertile rice farmland.
Here the ox plows the field to ready it for planting by the women.
Scenes like this raise my consciousness about our connection to living creatures as part of our food chain. On a Li River cruise, live turtles, chickens & birds were all brought aboard in cages. Empty cages were offloaded when we returned to port.
Life along the Li River is diverse and continuous in this beautiful environment.
This cave felt like I had entered another world and I had. The way the Chinese used the lighting enhanced the sensation.
March 17, 1993 at 7:00 pm | Asia, China | No comment
This is a magical place. It is a place where poets go in the winter to write. The clouds move so swiftly that you can not believe you are looking at the same scene second to second.
March 17, 1993 at 5:25 pm | Asia, China | No comment
The Stone Forest in Kunnming, China is a surreal forest landscape of stones and boulders. Without a map, you could be lost forever. The map I was given was on a printed linen handkerchief that was easily folded and retrieved. Had it been paper, it would have been shredded by the time I left the forest.
March 9, 1993 at 4:12 pm | Asia, China | No comment
The director of this Tibetan dance group was working to document the ethnic dances before the Chinese culture imposed on Tibet eliminated them from memory.