December 25, 2004 at 5:47 pm | Europe, Germany | No comment
Some graffiti is really a political language, and some is used for personal fame. Here this ancient door was brought into modern times, visually and abruptly.
April 7, 2003 at 3:16 pm | Czech Republic, Doors, Europe, Prague | 1 comment
I was stunned to see the majesty and grandness of this cathedral as part of the palace buildings: a testimony to the power of the king.
The sense of feeling small with walls rising beside you to great heights lent itself to acknowledge yourself in a spiritual place.
April 7, 2003 at 3:15 pm | Czech Republic, Europe, Prague | No comment
She was proud of her tattoo. I was taken with her Bart Simpson T-shirt as well and her connection to American culture.
I think this child is amazed by the antics of this older boy. Haven’t we all seen people accomplish things that set our standards to a new level?
April 7, 2003 at 3:12 pm | Czech Republic, Europe, Prague | No comment
Modes of transportation have always intrigued me. Seeing this car in the 80s catapulted me to my parents’ generation in a visceral way.
April 7, 1982 at 3:50 pm | England, Europe | No comment
I like the ambiguity of this picture. Easily it could be a metaphor for life. It’s hard to know what lies beyond what you can see, and yet you continue on.
April 7, 1982 at 3:48 pm | England, Europe | No comment
A few favorites of the people photographed in England.
With this child, there seemed to more than the surface finery.
April 7, 1982 at 3:37 pm | England, Europe | No comment
Frederick H. Evans’ images of the Wells Cathedral were an inspiration to me. So my early work in black and white silver print is shown here. The classic gothic symmetry pulled me into its own rhythms.
April 7, 1982 at 3:36 pm | England, Europe | No comment
Roller Skates! Dated picture. For today we would see skateboards, bikes, scooters and the latest, Freerunning.