Some graffiti is really a political language, and some is used for personal fame.  Here this ancient door was brought into modern times, visually and abruptly.

April 7, 2003 at 3:16 pm | Czech Republic, Doors, Europe, Prague | 1 comment

I was stunned to see the majesty and grandness of this cathedral as part of the palace buildings: a testimony to the power of the king.

The sense of feeling small with walls rising beside you to great heights lent itself to acknowledge yourself in a spiritual place.

April 7, 2003 at 3:15 pm | Czech Republic, Europe, Prague | No comment

She was proud of her tattoo.  I was taken with her Bart Simpson T-shirt as well and her connection to American culture.

I think this child is amazed by the antics of this older boy.  Haven’t we all seen people accomplish things that set our standards to a new level?

April 7, 2003 at 3:12 pm | Czech Republic, Europe, Prague | No comment