This is a magical place. It is a place where poets go in the winter to write. The clouds move so swiftly that you can not believe you are looking at the same scene second to second.
March 17, 1993 at 5:25 pm | Asia, China | No comment
The Stone Forest in Kunnming, China is a surreal forest landscape of stones and boulders. Without a map, you could be lost forever. The map I was given was on a printed linen handkerchief that was easily folded and retrieved. Had it been paper, it would have been shredded by the time I left the forest.
March 9, 1993 at 4:12 pm | Asia, China | No comment
This young girl is a prime example of the kind of detailed work they were hired for. Note how her arm rests on a bamboo stick to steady her hand.
March 9, 1984 at 4:10 pm | Asia, China | No comment
What struck me about this was the enormity of the job. The team effort required was astounding to see. The labor was cheaper than the technology.